Nexperia introduces leading edge Silicon Carbide (SiC) Schottky diode for ultra-high performance, low loss, high efficiency power conversion applications. The SiC Schottky diode is encapsulated in a Real-2-Pin (R2P) TO-220-2 (SOT8021) through-hole power plastic package. The product offers temperature independent capacitive turn-off, zero recovery switching behavior combined with an outstanding figure-of-merit (QC x VF). The Merged PiN Schottky (MPS) diode improves the robustness expressed in a high IFSM.
Zero forward and reverse recovery
Temperature independent fast and smooth switching performance
Outstanding figure-of-merit (Qc x VF)
High IFSM capability
High power density
Reduced system costs
System miniaturization
Reduced EMI
Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS)
AC-DC and DC-DC converter
Battery charging infrastructure
Server and telecom power supply
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)
Photovoltaic inverters